In this wonderful and inspirational video, Harilal chants in sanskrit chapter one of the Bhagavad Gita. Chapter one sets the scene on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, where Arjuna tells Lord Krishna he is feeling bad about the impending battle and the associated karma that could come from it.
Seminare zu deinem Thema, in denen Du die unten empfohlenen Übungen und viele Variationen, Tipps und Hintergrundwissen unter kompetenter Anleitung erlernen kannst, findest du unter dem Stichwort Bhagavad Gita, in unserer Seminar-Suchmaschine
Sanskrit chanting of chapter 2 of the Bhagavad Gita by Harilal. In chapter 2 Arjuna asks Lord Krishna how he can remove his grief at the impending battle and consequences. Lord Krishna speaks to him as a disciple and instructs him on many subjects including karma yoga, jnana yoga, the atman or soul, etc. For more information on seminars with Harilal at Yoga Vidya, and english courses hosted here at Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg, please see here.
Seminare zu deinem Thema, in denen Du die unten empfohlenen Übungen und viele Variationen, Tipps und Hintergrundwissen unter kompetenter Anleitung erlernen kannst, findest du unter dem Stichwort Bhagavad Gita, in unserer Seminar-Suchmaschine
Listen to the wonderful sanskrit chanting of chapter 3 of the Bhagavad Gita by Harilal. In chapter 3 Arjuna is struggling between his duty and his perceived obligations to his family. Lord Krishna discusses this, and the essence of Karma Yoga, or selfless service. Harilal gives english seminars and yoga therapy courses at Yoga Vidya in Germany.
Seminare zu deinem Thema, in denen Du die unten empfohlenen Übungen und viele Variationen, Tipps und Hintergrundwissen unter kompetenter Anleitung erlernen kannst, findest du unter dem Stichwort Bhagavad Gita, in unserer Seminar-Suchmaschine
Harilal chants Chapter 5 of the Bhagavad Gita in Sanskrit. In Chapter 5 Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna that we should not be attached to the fruits of our actions if we want to reach the highest goal. Harilal gives english seminars and yoga therapy courses at Yoga Vidya in Germany.
Seminare zu deinem Thema, in denen Du die unten empfohlenen Übungen und viele Variationen, Tipps und Hintergrundwissen unter kompetenter Anleitung erlernen kannst, findest du unter dem Stichwort Bhagavad Gita, in unserer Seminar-Suchmaschine
Harilal chants Chapter 5 of the Bhagavad Gita in Sanskrit. In Chapter 5 Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna the importance of renouncing the fruits of our actions if we want to reach the highest goal. Harilal gives english seminars and yoga therapy courses at Yoga Vidya in Germany - for more information on this and other english speakers please go here.
Seminare zu deinem Thema, in denen Du die unten empfohlenen Übungen und viele Variationen, Tipps und Hintergrundwissen unter kompetenter Anleitung erlernen kannst, findest du unter dem Stichwort Bhagavad Gita, in unserer Seminar-Suchmaschine
Harilalji chants in sanskrit chapter 6 of the Bhagavad Gita. In this chapter Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna the importance of practicing yoga, and how to overcome the difficulties that the mind presents on our journey to Self-realization. To see the english language offerings at Yoga Vidya visit our english seminars page.
Seminare zu deinem Thema, in denen Du die unten empfohlenen Übungen und viele Variationen, Tipps und Hintergrundwissen unter kompetenter Anleitung erlernen kannst, findest du unter dem Stichwort Bhagavad Gita, in unserer Seminar-Suchmaschine
Listen to this wonderful and inspiring sanskrit chanting of chapter 7 of the Bhagavad Gita. In chapter 7 Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna the absolute reality, and the relative reality of Maya. To sign up for courses and seminars in english please see our english pages.
Seminare zu deinem Thema, in denen Du die unten empfohlenen Übungen und viele Variationen, Tipps und Hintergrundwissen unter kompetenter Anleitung erlernen kannst, findest du unter dem Stichwort Bhagavad Gita, in unserer Seminar-Suchmaschine
Wünschst du dir Kontakt zu anderen Yoga-Praktizierenden, die sich auch mit deiner Thematik auseinandersetzen? Dann klick bitte hier.