You can reach Bad Meinberg by flight and train.
Nearest airports are Paderborn-Lippstadt Airport and Hannover Airport. Good connecting flights and/or train connections exist from Frankfurt International airport.
For example:
Flight to Frankfurt/Main International, connecting flight to Paderborn-Lippstadt, bus from airport to Paderborn main station, train to Horn-Bad Meinberg station, pick-up service
Flight to Frankfurt/Main International Airport, train from Airport Train station via Kassel (or various other connections) to Horn-Bad Meinberg station, pick-up service
Flight to Hannover Airport, Train “S5” (direction “Paderborn”) from airport to Steinheim/Westfalen station. From there we can provide pick-up service.
For more information kindly contact:
Haus Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg
Yogaweg 7
D-32805 Bad Meinberg
Tel. +49 (0) 5234 87-0
Fax +495234 / 87-1875
E-Mail: badmeinberg(at)