House Yoga Vidya on North Sea
Our goal is to provide you with the ideal environment to gain new insights, access intuition, and rediscover your inner resources of happiness. The combination of yoga postures, breathing exercises, deep relaxation and meditation have an optimal effect on body, mind and soul. In the regenerating quietude, close to Mother Nature, you can replenish your energy and truly relax. Our helpful and friendly staff will take time for a talk and answer questions after each yoga class.
Yoga is a practical system of knowledge. Yoga unites the personal and universal consciousness. There many ways of practising Yoga, so that everybody is invited to decide what’s best for her- or himself and what practice brings the most benefit to the individual.
Yoga Postures (Asanas)create a wonderful balance in the body by developing both strength and flexibility in muscles and ligaments. Also your spine and joints stay or get flexible again.
Breathing Techniques (Pranayama)increase your vitality and give you fresh mental vigour. Your level of energy rises, the inner battery is reloaded and you will be able to control your mind better than before.
Relaxation (Shavasana)activates your self-healing abilities and gives you a new sense of happiness in everyday life. Shavasana reduces the loss of energy through the body. Tension is diminished and pressure relieved from the whole body-mind system. Now deep regeneration is possible.
Mantra Cantingopens the heart and brings your whole body to resonate in a harmonic way.
Balanced Diet Optimal nutritionkeeps you strong and healthy, cleanses and harmonises the body and brings the mind to a calm and serene state.
PositiveThinking and Meditationleads you to inner peace and opens the realmsof intuition and positivity of mind. So naturally your life is going to become more peaceful. If your brain waves are becoming silent, you are then able to discover your true inner being.
Yogaclasses Part1 for Beginners
Yoga helps you to relax and fills you with new strength and positivity. Through systematic and methodical training basic yoga postures, breathing techniques and relaxation are introduced and are an integral part of each class. After completion we recommend you take the following course, Part 2. Both courses together build a unity.
Each class lasts 5 times 90 minutes.
Wednesday 21.10.- 18.11.12 18.30-20.00
Wednesday 25.11.- 23.12.12 18.30-20.00
Yoga classesPart 2
This class widens up your yoga experience. You will perform the basic positions and relaxation techniques in a more detailed manner. You learn a broad range of breathing techniques which will give you a general increase of energy level in the body.
Thursday 22.10.-19.11.12 19.00-20.30
Thursday 26.11.-24.12.12 19.00-20.30
Fee 29 Euro, reduced fee* 26 Euro
Please bring comfortable clothes with you. Please don’t eat anything about 2 hours before the beginning of the class. Yoga mats are at hand here. Missing hours can be caught up with within the following 2 weeks. Please pay in advance via bank debit or at the reception.
* reduced fees for students, the unemployed and senior citizens.
4-Weeks-Intensive Yoga Teacher Training Course
Being a Yoga teacher is a fulfilling task that demands dedicated personal practice as well as comprehensive knowledge of the ancient teachings of Yoga. Within the 4 weeks of education you will have deep experience through intense personal practise, which will lead you to inner intuition. You will then be able to do things you would never have thought possible before. The awakened prana (life energy) gives you the charisma which is necessary for teaching yoga. The underlying principles are introduced via lectures and workshops.
The 4-Weeks-Intensive Courses run in a long tradition and have proved to be of value in everyday practise.
Just as a foreign language is learnt easily while being in a country, you can discover at a 4-Weeks-Intensive Course the depths of yoga. Detached from the responsibilities of everyday life you will be able to learn more than you will normally learn in several years.
According to varying needs, we offer different types of education. You may pick the one most appropriate to your personal circumstances. Four-week-long intensive yoga teachers’ training courses are held in English at the Yoga Vidya Centre in Bad Meinberg, In addition, there is a vast choice of four-week intensive courses in German, which are available in 2x2 and 4x1 week modules throughout the year.
To be held in German Language
Seminars and Training Courses with certificate
During the whole year week- and weekend seminars, evening yoga classes and educational courses with certificate (for instance 4-Weeks-Intensive Yoga Teacher Training Course)
Meditation and Mantrachanting
Meditation and singing of mantras has a harmonising effect on both the physical and the energetic body field. A short lecture and a light ceremony are building the completion of our gathering. The event is exempt from charges, donations are welcome.
Daily 7 am & 8 pm.
Duration: approx. 60 min.
Seminars and Courses Wangerland/on North Sea *Yoga Classes * Seminars and Training Courses with certificate *Biological food (mainly from biological cultivation) * Open Day:
Seminarhaus Yoga Vidya Wiarder Altendeich 10 26434 Horumersiel Tel.: 0 44 26 - 90 416 10 Fax: 0 44 26 - 90 416 140 e-Mail: nordsee(at)