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Newsletter Nr. 3

Haus Yoga Vidya
Bund der Yoga Vidya Lehrer
57641 Oberlahr
Tel. 02685-989482
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Email Yoga-Vidya@T-online.de
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Liebe Yogafreundin, lieber Yoga Freund,

in der Anlage findest Du die erste Ausgabe des Yoga Vidya Journals als Word für Windows Dokument. Ich hoffe, Dir macht die Lektüre Spaß, wenn wir auch bei dieser elektronischen Ausgabe die Fotos und Grafiken, die in der gedruckten Ausgabe sind, nicht drin haben.

Neben diesem Yoga Vidya Newsletter gibt es natürlich auch andere spirituelle elektronische Newsletter. Ein besonders inspirierender ist der von der Divine Life Society, Rishikesh, Indien. Besonders Yoga Praktizierende in der Tradition von Swami Sivananda können dort wertvolle Hinweise für ihr spirituelles Leben bekommen. Daher leite ich das neueste Exemplar dieses Newsletters an Euch weiter.

Übrigens: Auf unserer Website stehen jetzt die Daten der Yogalehrer Ausbildungen 1999.

Mit yogischen Grüßen,
Sukadev V. Bretz

Anlage: Jour1198
Yoga Vidya Journal; Ausgabe 1, Herbst 1998 als Word Dokument

Newsletter der Divine Life Society:
> Om Namo Bhagavate Sivanandaya!
> Om Namo Bhagavate Chidanandaya!
> Om Namo Bhagavate Krishnanandaya!
> Namaste!
> Sri Howard Halpern has put Gurudev's letter in beautiful HTML format for
> our website. The new format of Gurudev's letter is at:
> http://www.rsl.ukans.edu/~pkanagar/divine/announce/oct98_letter.htm
> Please feel free to send feedbacks to Howard at
> halpern@arealliveperson.com
> This month's discourse is by Gurudev Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj. The
> title of the discourse is "Why You are Called Radiant Atman". The URL of
> the discourse is:
> http://www.rsl.ukans.edu/~pkanagar/divine/discourse/nov98.htm
> Yours in the service of Gurudev,
> Pannir
> -----------------------------------------------------
> THE MASTER'S WIT: A party from South India attended Satsang. After it was
> over, the Master enquired of them, "Who among you is prepared to remain in
> the Ashram permanently? Who among you has real discrimination and
> dispassion?"
> Nobody dared to give a reply. At last, seeing an elderly woman among them,
> the Master told her, "You remain here. Let the others go."
> She consented to the proposal.
> At once the Master said, "Then come here. Those who belong to the Ashram
> will have separate accommodation. The others can sleep in a different
> room. Come along, come here!"
> The woman did not come forward and just gave an evasive reply, "If God
> favours, the day will come when I also shall join the Ashram."
> All enjoyed the Master's deliberate wit!
> -----------------------------------------------------
> "What is the greatest joy that never becomes distasteful? That is the
> bliss of the Self." - Swami Sivananda
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Sivananda Day-to-Day is sent out weekly.
> To subscribe or unsubscribe to this e-mailing list,
> please send a message to pkanagar@rsl.ukans.edu
> -----------------------------------------------------

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